
  • होम
  • सूक्ष्मजैविकी


Since its inception, the Department of Microbiology has worked in the fields of infectious diseases, infection prevention, research, and academics, with the vision of becoming a leading resource for excellence in laboratory services, education, diagnosis, and research related to health and disease. To achieve the set vision, the department has identified its mission as follows and is working tirelessly to achieve excellence.

  • To provide cutting-edge Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Services for the best possible patient care.
  • Students' diagnostic abilities will be enhanced through ongoing training in all branches of Medical Microbiology, including Molecular studies.
  • To provide all health care providers with excellent experience in "Infection Prevention and Control" through ongoing education.
  • To conduct fundamental research in order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between microbes and humans, as well as the infections associated with them.
  • The Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDL) Lab, which was established centrally, provides services to various viral infections throughout the state. During the reference period, and with the onset of COVID 19 pandemic, the VRDL lab performed over 3 lac SARS-CoV2 RTPCR tests. Microbiology has been designated as a referral laboratory for the National Viral Hepatitis Control Program (NVHCP) for the prevention and control of viral hepatitis.
  • The department's capabilities have been enhance with the installation of a fully automated immunoassay analyser based on enhanced chemiluminescence (Vitros 5600). Vitek2 compact automated microorganism identification and antimicrobial susceptibility detection system has also been installed. The Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Participated in EQAS, besides the departments Faculties participated in the ICMR's Quality control/Quality assessment scheme for SARS-CoV-2 real-time PCR.

The Microbiology laboratory is divided into several sections, including Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Immunology, and Virology. The new state-of-the-art VRDL is outfitted with all new infrastructure, including a fully automated RNA extractor, Thermal Cycler, Biosafety Cabinet Class II, and so on.

Modern equipment such as Automated blood, Mycobacterial culture system (BacT ALERT 3D), Vitek 2 System, Gel-doc, ELISA reader and washer, Automated CLIA System, CO2 incubator, Autoclave, Water purification system, Refrigerated centrifuge, (-80oC) Refrigerator, Water bath, Incubators, Hot air oven, and others are available in the department to ensure the smooth operation of the laboratories for postgraduate/ undergraduate/ nursing teaching and patients care, as well as research purposes.

  • 365 days a year the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory offers its diagnostic services in Bacteriology, Serology and Immunology, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology and Molecular Lab, and Mycobacteriology.
  • It is provisioning Training of personnel from other institutions for the implementation of molecular tests for SARS-CoV2 diagnosis in their labs.
  • The department is extending Antimicrobial stewardship and dedicated hospital infection control activities.
  • Intramural conducts fundamental and clinical research, besides undertaking Extramural projects, ICMR-STS projects, and others Index journal publication.
  • Participation of faculty as a resource person in the teaching and training of healthcare workers at the institute and throughout the state
  • As part of their summer training, several paramedic students were trained.


  1. Urine C/S
  2. Blood C/S
  3. SPUTUM & Other Respiratory Samples C/S
  4. Pus, Wound Swab And Body Fluid C/S
  5. Stool C/S
  6. Csf C/S
  7. Giems Stain For Malaria
  8. Giems Stain For Filaria
  9. Fungal C/S
  10. Koh Mount
  11. Ziehl Neelsen Staining
  12. MICROSCOPY ( Gram Staining , Albert Staining , M/E Urine
  13. Stool Wet Mount
  14. Stool For Occult Blood ( Rapid Ict)
  15. Serology
  16. Hospital Infection Surveillance
  17. RT-PCR (SARS-Cov2)
  18. Cb-Naat


The Faculty and Residents are actively involved in many non-clinical activities at AIIMS Patna, such as additional responsibilities as Administrative Officers and Members of various cultural and sports committees. In the Kayakalp inspection, faculty members served on the peer review team.

Community Service/Outreach Programs

Faculty members participate in AIIMS, Patna's community outreach programmes, such as being a member of the Central Rapid Response Team for the containment of Covid-19, providing infection control training to various health institutions in the state, and actively participating in Swachhta Pakhwada. VRDL Lab has been providing laboratory diagnosis of Covid – 19 to more than ten districts.

Teaching and Training

The ongoing Post graduate, Undergraduate MBBS and B. Sc. Nursing students course are designed and implemented so that student take interest and excel in their academic and professional field giving them exposure to all the latest developments in the field of infectious disease their diagnosis and prevention . Besides there are parallel integrated approach in teaching with other clinical, pre and paraclinical department also in various academic and research projects.

The ongoing Postgraduate, Undergraduate MBBS, and B.Sc. Nursing students’ courses are designed and implemented to ensure that students take an interest in and excel in their academic and professional fields by exposing them to all the latest developments in the field of infectious disease diagnosis and prevention. A parallel integrated approach is also used in teaching with other clinical, preclinical, and paraclinical departments, as well as in various academic and research projects.

क्रम सं.संकाय का नामपद का नाम



SL No.Event DescriptionEvent TypeEvent DateEvent TimeEvent LocationDownload
1.Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Patna is organizing a workshop on "PRACTICAL APPROACH TO IMPLEMENTATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMME" from 26th Apr to 27 Apr 2025. Click here to registerWorkshop26th Apr to 27 Apr 202508:30 AM to 05:00 PMAIIMS PATNADownload
